Catégorie : Recherche

février 5, 2021

Fall and revival of family businesses. An explanation based on socio-emotional wealth and owner-manager’s entrepreneurial sins and cognitive emotions

This research aims at observing how the owner-manager’s sins and emotions influence the pursuit of socio-emotional goals and how these goals might cause the family firm’s fall and also allows it to recover after a tough crisis. More precisely, the present paper first highlights consequences of greed and hubris, two distinctive entrepreneurial characteristics, first in terms of firm’s performance decline, and then in terms of […]

février 5, 2021

A values-based explanation of the resilience of family firms. Evidence from Tunisia after the 2011 Jasmine Revolution

While the goals of long term sustainability and survival were thoroughly studied in family firms’ literature, to the best of our knowledge, rare studies had investigated the influence of values on the capacity of family firms to be resilient. In addition, this likely relationship is highly contingent on cultural and national contexts, as family values – on which family business values are dependent – are […]

décembre 30, 2020

Socioemotional Wealth, Corporate Governance and Dividend Payout Decisions in Family Firms. Evidence from listed firms in Tunisia

Most of the literature about dividend policy have dealt with dispersed ownership firms (Isakov & Weisskopf, 2013) while most firms around the world are controlled by large shareholders (Faccio & Lang, 2002) whose preferences undoubtedly affect dividend payouts (DeAngelo, DeAngelo, & Skinner, 2007). Particularly, as families are the most common type of large shareholders in the world (Isakov & Weisskopf, 2013), taking into account the […]

décembre 5, 2020

The Value Relevance of accounting performance measures for quoted family firms: A study in the light of the alignment and entrenchment hypotheses

The present research examines the value relevance of accounting earnings data disclosed by a sample of French family and non-family firms. The major goal of this paper is to find if the value relevance of accounting earnings for investors depends on the nature of the firm. In addition, it intends to check if accounting earnings relevance varies in function of the concentration of ownership in […]

octobre 1, 2020

L’influence de la famille-propriétaire de PME sur l’exportation. Examen du rôle modérateur de l’orientation internationale du dirigeant

L’implication de la famille influence-t-elle les exportations dans la PME familiale ? La littérature semble conforter cette thèse même si le sens et l’intensité de cet impact restent controversés. Pour concilier les points de vus divergents, notre recherche tente d’évaluer le rôle de l’orientation internationale du dirigeant comme variable modératrice de la relation entre l’influence familiale et les exportations au sein de la PME. Inscrite […]

juillet 5, 2020

Family businesses and digital entrepreneurship adoption: A conceptual model

Despite the prevalence of family businesses around the world, research on their contribution to the digital economy is still needed. A primary appraisal of the characteristics of the family business and the features of digital entrepreneurship suggests that the two phenomena are conflicting. Indeed, the most common descriptions of family businesses convey the idea that they favour stability to change and slow evolutions to upheavals […]

janvier 1, 2020

Familiness, Socio-emotional Goals and the Internationalization of French Family SMEs

This paper analyzes the role of the owning family’s socio-emotional goals in explaining the level of exports in family small and medium enterprises (SMEs), while investigating the influence of family business essence as an antecedent of socio-emotional goals. A survey studying 46 French family SMEs and a model using partial least squares structural equation modeling reveal that two out of the five hypothesized socio-emotional goals […]

décembre 5, 2019

Family members’ commitment to the firm and family business continuity: investigating the mediating role of family-to-firm identity fit and emotional attachment

This research offers an explanatory model of family business continuity intentions where it is hypothesized that high family influence on the firm implies a high commitment of family members to the firm and thus a high desire to sustain the family firm in the long run. In addition, the model emphasizes the mediating role of family members’ identification with the firm as well as their […]

janvier 5, 2019

The 2008 financial and economic crisis and the family business sale intention

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to assessthe probable influence of some of the emotional costs and returns expected by owners on their family business sale decision; and examine if the perceived economic environment during the economic and financial crisis of 2008 had an impact on the intention to sell their family business. Design/methodology/approach – The research is based on a sample of […]

septembre 5, 2017

L’internationalisation de la firme : les théories de l’apprentissage organisationnel sont-elles caduques ?

Cet article puise dans les développements théoriques relatifs à l’apprentissage organisationnel et l’approche de la firme fondée sur le savoir, afin de mieux appréhender le contenu et les processus de développement des savoirs dans le cadre de l’internationalisation de la firme. Aussi, l’objet de l’apprentissage organisationnel dans le cadre de l’internationalisation sera-t-il précisé et le rôle de l’apprentissage cognitif et comportemental décrits et analysés. Des […]