Catégorie : Publications

février 5, 2015

Family Involvement in the Firm and Exports in the Family SME: Is the Manager’s International Orientation Influential?

Does the family involvement affect exports in the family firm? The literature seems to support this view even if the direction and magnitude of this impact remains controversial. Drawing on the perspectives of agency [Chrisman et al. 2004; Schulze et al. 2001] and stewardship as applied to family firms [Davis, Schoorman and Donaldson 1997] and also on socio-emotional wealth perspective [Gómez-Mejía et al. 2007], this […]

janvier 25, 2006

The internationalization of family SMEs: An organizational learning and knowledge development perspective

Purpose – Owing to its specificities, the family small and medium enterprise (SME) shows a particular behavior as for the creation, development, sharing, protection and transmission of knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to study the specificities of the processes of knowledge creation and development in family firms. Design/methodology/approach – Through a questionnaire, hypotheses of the model were tested. The study is based on […]

janvier 25, 2006

Conservatism: An Explanation of the Financial Choices of the Small and Medium Family Enterprise

The financial behavior of the family firm is a recurring topic in the literature. Hirigoyen’s pioneer research (1984) reveals the specificity of the financial behaviors of industrial family medium-sized companies compared to those of the other categories of firms. This type of firms set out effective structures enabling them a better financial management because, on the one hand, they have a long term vision and, […]

janvier 25, 2006

L’internationalisation de la PME familiale : apprentissage organisationnel et développement de la connaissance

L’objectif de la recherche est d’étudier l’internationalisation de la PME familiale en se fondant, d’une part, sur l’approche par les connaissances et en particulier celle de l’apprentissage organisationnel, et d’autre part sur la littérature portant sur les spécificités de l’entreprise familiale. D’un point de vue théorique, l’on réalise une articulation des théories de l’apprentissage et de la création de la connaissance avec les théories séquentielles […]